Since we were kids, we’ve been warned about the dangers of messing around with electrical outlets. So if you’re having some reservations about how to replace a light fixture, rest assured, it’s not just you!

There are plenty of reasons why you may need to install a new light in your house. Maybe you’re taking up an interior design project. Or maybe you don’t get enough light in a certain room in your house. 

Whatever the case may be, the first thing you need to do is make sure you have the right tools and the right instructions on how to install a light fixture. 

A word of caution: Some areas require permits to even replace a light fixture. So make sure you are aware of the rules in your area, prior to attempting any light fixture replacement project.


How To Replace a Light Fixture In 4 Easy Steps

The good news is that the steps for replacing almost any light fixture are universal. Even though your new light will come with its own instructions, the same process can be copied no matter where you’re replacing a light in your home.

Expect ceiling fans— those are a different story.

So use this as your official guide for how to install a ceiling light!

What You’ll Need:

  • Screwdriver
  • New light fixture
  • Screws and Wire Connectors (these typically come with your new light)
  • Ladder
  • Wire Stripper (maybe)



Step 1: Turn Off The Lights


No— not just the light switch. For optimal safety, we recommend going to your circuit breaker and turning off the electricity right from the source.

This can turn into a duo project, too. If your circuit breaker isn’t labeled, this is the perfect time to get that done. Just turn on the lights in your house and turn off one breaker at a time. This helps you to see which breaker turns off which lights.

As you go through, make sure to properly label them for each room. Packing tape and a magic marker work perfectly for now.

Once you find the breaker for the room you want to replace a light fixture, flip it off. Make sure to turn off the light switch in the room, too!

Step 2: Unscrew The Old Light


A word of advice: if you’re replacing a ceiling light, your ladder needs to be tall enough. Working from underneath the light won’t work. You’ll need to be able to see inside the ceiling where it’s attached. 

Once you’re up there, grasp the ceiling light with your palm to keep it steady. As you begin to unscrew the light, you’ll notice it will still be attached by only the wires. 

Pro-Tip: To make your life easier, you may want to wear some type of utility belt so you can easily throw the screws somewhere so that your hands are free.

Your light may also be attached to the ceiling with caulk. If that’s the case, use your screwdriver or a utility knife to pry the material away from the ceiling. 

Now that you can see inside the electrical box, remove the connectors and untwist the wires. You can do this by hand. There may also be a screw attaching the light to the metal bracket. You’ll need to remove that with your screwdriver.

Sometimes when you replace a light fixture, the one you purchased will come with a new bracket. We recommend using that to make sure your new light fits properly. Your fixture’s instructions will have more details on the bracket.

It should be as simple as switching the old bracket, popping the new one in its place, and securing it with the provided screws. 

Hanging a Chandelier 

If you’re hanging something like a chandelier, make sure you measure how low you want it to hang first!

Here’s a great tip from the Wolberg Blog:

“A handy rule of thumb is that a chandelier should be 12 inches narrower than a table and have at least 48 inches of space from each of the room walls or edges. Hang a chandelier approximately 30 to 34 inches over a table with an 8-foot ceiling height.”

Some chandeliers can be heavy, so if it feels cumbersome consider making it a 2-person job.



Step 3: Connect the Wires— Properly


This is the part that freaks some people out. 

As we mentioned, no matter what type of light you buy or where you buy it (Home Depot, Amazon, or Wal-Mart), the instructions are going to be the same. 

Still, you should read the light manufacturer’s instructions first. On the off chance that you didn’t get them (or you lost them), here’s what they probably said:

  1. Twist the black (hot) wire to the black wire in the electric box.
  2. Connect the white (neutral) wire to the white wire in the electric box.
  3. Twist the green/copper (ground) wire to the green/copper wire in the electric box.

You can learn more about the difference between hot, ground, and neutral wires here. 

Your new wires may look frayed on the ends. This is okay, but just make sure they aren’t broken or you may have to make a new cut. From there, you just need to twist the wire to the ceiling wires and use the wire “nut” or connector to secure them in place.

Nowadays, you can depend on light manufactures to have the appropriate amount of the wire insulation (the black, white, and green/copper casings) stripped. However, if there’s not half an inch of exposed wire coming from your wires, then you’ll need to shave off some of the insulation with wire strippers. Check out the video below to see how to properly strip a wire.

NOTE: If you don’t see a green or bare copper wire coming from the ceiling, then you will usually have a metal box and see a green “grounding” screw. Be sure to wrap the green/copper wire on your new light under that green screw and tighten it. Bend the end of the grounding wire slightly into a “Shepard’s hook,” then place it under the screw, and use your screwdriver to seal it tight. The correct way to do this is make sure the direction of the wire under the screw will be in the same direction as how the screw turns, so it will tighten the wire in place as you turn the screw tighter.


Step 4: Close Up and Test It Out!


Now you’re going to gently fold the wires back into the ceiling canopy and screw the new light fixture into the bracket. You may also have a decorative nut for the outside of the light that needs to be screwed on for the finishing touch.

Then, just add in your light bulb of choice and any other potential light décor (such as a light chain), and voila— you have successfully replaced a light fixture!

Go back to your breaker box and turn the circuit breaker back on. Then you can flip on the light switch and watch your handy work come to light (everybody loves a good pun, right?). 



We hope this helps all new (and old) homeowners easily replace a light fixture! Always be careful when you’re dealing with electrical units. If you never got a home inspection (or it’s been a few years) there’s no telling what 

Speaking of home inspections… is it time for yours? Contact us for a quote!



As home inspectors, we’re always seeing home discrepancies that can cause your electric bill to skyrocket. So, if you want to learn how to reduce the electric bill all year round, stick around. We have a few tips up our sleeve that you’ve probably never heard of. 

Living in Florida is living in actual paradise— but at a price. 


We know it gets hot in other states, but the Florida heat is relentless. You’ll only get a few breaks here and there throughout the year. This means your AC is on full blast continuously, causing your electric bill (and stress levels) to be on full blast as well.

Whether it’s summer, Florida winter, or spring, there are some small things around your house that can save you some money.


How To Reduce the Electric Bill in Your Florida Home


There are typical, simple ways to reduce an electric bill. You probably already know that blackout curtains, unplugging your devices, or turning off your ceiling fans when they’re not in use can make an impact.

But realistically, these small steps will save you— maybe $20 per year? 

If you want to learn how to cut your electric bill in half (okay… maybe by a third), then you need to be paying attention to the stuff that eats up the most energy. This means paying attention to your thermostat, filters, and even your windows. 


1. Adjust Home Temperatures


The rule of thumb for any homeowner is to keep your thermostat at 78 degrees. Of course, here in Florida, that might seem a little too warm. So, let’s say between 75-78 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Did you know that if you have a programmable thermostat, you can automatically set your AC to adjust to this ideal temperature? Adjusting the temperature while you’re away at work is a great way to reduce your electric bill. Duke Energy even confirms, “For every degree the thermostat is set above 78, customers can save up to 10% on their cooling costs.”

And if you have pets, don’t worry— you only need to increase the temperature 3-5 degrees so it should still be comfortable for them.

If you work a 9-5, for example, you can auto-set your programmable AC to climb a few degrees at 9 a.m. To make sure the house cools down by the time you get home, you want to set your thermostat goes back to that 75-78 degree mark at 4 p.m. 

Now, keep in mind that instructions vary depending on the type of thermostat you have. If you have a traditional thermostat like a White Rodgers, you can adjust the desired temperature for both systems — Heat and Cooling — by simply using the arrows. Some even allow you to program temperatures for certain days time and specific days of the week. Here’s a tutorial on how to adjust those settings.

If you have a fancy, updated programmable Smart Thermostat like the Honeywell 9000 the setup is pretty simple. Here’s a great video tutorial on how to use it:

Some more advanced thermostats, like the Nest or EcoBee can detect when you’re away or at home, and adjust accordingly. They may even offer energy savings adjustments based on your routine behavior. Pretty cool!

Adjust The Water Heater

Another way to lower your bill is to adjust your water heater. If you have a tank-style water heater, it has to continuously store and reheat water in its tank so that you have the luxury of taking a hot shower within minutes of turning on the showerhead. However, all the work to disperse warm water to your shower, sink, and dishwasher costs money.

By lowering the temperature on your water heater, you’ll use less energy which can save you money. Ideally, you want this temperature set at 120°F, as setting it any lower can cause sanitary and water quality issues. 

And if you plan on going on vacation anytime soon, make sure to adjust the temperature on both your AC and the water heater! Just remember, that due to the high-humidity in our state, we do not recommend turning off the AC completely. A lot of people don’t realize that AC’s don’t just cool, they condition the air, which means they also dehumidify it, as well.


2. Replace AC Filters

how to lower electric bill

If you want to know how to reduce the electric bill in a really effective way, replace those AC filters! 

The filters in your home are meant to help your HVAC system running smoothly.

Your HVAC, if you didn’t already know, stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. Your filters support the HVAC because they trap debris that is in the air. 

If your filter is too congested, then that will reduce airflow and thus, the efficiency of the system. Some of that debris may start slipping onto your HVAC coil, reducing the quality of your AC, heating, etc. And because your HVAC will be working so hard to clear the air (literally), it runs up your electric bill. 

How often should you replace your filters to reduce your electric bill? It really depends.

The size of your home, your household, and the type of filter you have all play a role in frequency. For example, if you have pets, you probably need to replace them more often. And standard fiberglass filters need to be changed every 30-days, whereas  some pleated filters can last 3-6 months. There are even media filters that can last up to a year without needing to be replaced. We recommend checking the manufacturers instructions to get a better idea of how often they should be changed. Generally, 30-90 days for most common filters is what we see.


3. Pay Attention To Washer & Dryer


Speaking of filters, you are cleaning out your dryer filter after every cycle… right?

Not only does a clean dryer protect you from house fires, but it also makes sure your dryer is working properly. If you’re noticing that your clothes still aren’t completely dry after an hour, it’s probably from dryer filter neglect (or it could mean the dryer vent is clogged).  

When you constantly have to turn your machine on to dry the same load, you’re going to notice a spike in your electric bill. 

More advanced dryers also have the option to auto-sense when your clothes are drying. Maytag recommends this feature because it saves you the guesswork and it’s energy-efficient. 

Another way to recuse your electric bill is the washer. Try washing your garments in cold water. That way, you aren’t using the water heater as often and the energy spent heating and dispersing hot water is saved. 

 Also, make sure you adjust the load size for every wash so you aren’t using more energy. In fact, we recommend only washing when you have a full load. Running that thing uses up a ton of electricity. The less you have to use it, the better.


4. Lower Your Electric Bill in the Kitchen 


The kitchen is a hive full of energy. From the oven to the dishwasher, there are so many ways to cut back on your electric spending in this room alone. 

For starters, if you have a grill, try to use that instead of the oven when you can. The oven uses between 2,000 and 5,000 watts, which can run you about $5.85 per month. 

That might not seem like a ton of savings, but paired with these other energy-suckers, it all really adds up.

The microwave is another tool you can cut back on using. Instead of using it to thaw your dinner meat, take out the meat a few hours before you’re ready to cook so it can thaw on the counter. We like free stuff!

Your dishwasher is another area where you can save a few bucks. Some towns actually have cheaper energy rates during “off-peak” hours. So consider washing your dishes at night when there’s less demand for energy use. Also, try not to use the heat dry feature too often (or at all). 

And did you know that keeping your freezer or refrigerator full, requires less time to keep it cool? Packing frozen veggies, fruits, and meats help insulate the fridge so that it stays cool longer and uses less energy.


5. Insulate

how to lower electric bill in the summer

The best method on how to reduce the electric bill is to insulate. Insulation regulates your home’s temperature. You might start noticing your home takes a while to cool down or heat up if you have poor insulation. 

That extra effort to adjust your home’s temperature means— you guessed it— higher electrical bills. 

Thankfully, there actually quite a few places in your home where you can boost your insulation usage:

  • Add insulation wrapping around hot water pipes where accessible. So much energy is lost through the pipe wall as it travels to the desired location. Plus, you’ll get a few degrees warmer water at the faucet without spending extra money.
  • Behind electrical outlets using electrical outlet sealers. Just make sure you turn off the breaker and verify the outlet is not energized before removing the coverplate!
  • Outside your home with insulated paint

Hiring a company to insulate your walls and attic space might also be necessary depending on how good (or bad) your home’s insulation is. 

You can use this online tool by The U.S. Department of Energy to see if you have the right amount of insulation based on where you live.


So those are all of our tips on how to reduce the electric bill in your Florida home! As always, if you’re in the market to buy a home, hiring a home inspector can help you pre-determine inconsistencies like poor insulation or a busted water heater. Contact us for a quote!

As a homeowner, you may not have expected to find yourself learning about the different types of copper pipes— but here you are!

It’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the components of your home. It can help prevent mistakes and unexpected costs or, at the very least, arm you with enough knowledge to navigate solutions should you run into problems (i.e., a pipe leak).

Copper pipes (also known as copper tubing) are popular in modern American homes. So, chances are good that you have copper plumbing in your house. Their primary function is to move potable water (aka your everyday drinking water). They are also commonly used in appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators.

These pipes are sturdy, reliable, and (at least in Florida) can be expected to last nearly 70 years! However, their durability all depends on the type of pipe you have. Your location also plays an important factor because some cities have higher levels of acid in their water. The higher the acidic levels are in a given area, the quicker your pipes will corrode.


Different Types of Copper Pipes


The easiest way to remember your copper pipe choices is to think of the great Dr. Martin Luther King: M.L.K. That’s because the types of copper pipe you’ll see the most often in a home are:

  • Type M
  • Type L
  • Type K

When it comes to copper, you’ll either find rigid or soft materials. The rigid copper piping can be anywhere between 10-20 feet. Soft copper is bendable, and you’ll typically see it coiled on a hardware store shelf.

So there’s a lot to consider here: do you need soft or rigid copper piping? How long does it need to be? What is it going to be used for?

As soon as you can differentiate the types of copper pipes, you’ll know which one you need to purchase (or fix). And don’t worry— it’s pretty simple! Here’s how you can determine whether you have copper pipe M vs. L vs. K.


Type M Copper Pipe

M copper pipes will be your thinnest option (about 0.032 inches on a 3/4″ pipe), and also the cheapest. You can usually tell which ones are Type M by the red markings on the outside. 

Because of its more delicate exterior, M copper pipes aren’t suitable for some applications. The strength and trajectory of the water may be too powerful, which means the copper is more likely to fail. However, it’s much easier to work with and is often the go-to choice in homes

for heating systems, vacuum systems, and domestic water services. Thin copper is great for interior piping because it’s the easiest to manipulate, making it a seamless option to navigate through the walls of your home.

You can find Type M in coils (soft pipes) or straight tubes (rigid pipes). They’re the most affordable option, but they also may not last as long as other types, particularly depending on the acidity of your local water supply.


Type L Copper Pipe

This is your medium-thickness option at around 0.045 inches for a 3/4″ inch pipe. It’s thicker than Type M but thinner than Type K copper pipes. You’ll recognize it immediately by its blue markings.

Like Type M, L pipes come in both flexible and rigid forms. Because of this and its dense exterior, you can use it for both outdoor and indoor plumbing. For outdoor use, you can use it for fire protection (e.g., sprinklers) or some HVAC systems. 

Type L copper pipes are famous for their ability to replace old water lines. Since they’re thicker than M-pipes, they won’t corrode or pit as easily, making them an ideal solution for old or leaky pipes.

With so many options, Type L copper pipes are the most popular. Plus, they won’t break the bank! They typically last longer than Type M pipes, even if you have acidic or hard water.


Type K Copper Pipe

Of the common copper pipes, Type K one is the densest, with about a 0.065-inch thickness on a 3/4″ pipe. You’ll recognize it by the green markings on the outside.

These are used primarily for your main underground water lines, commercial installations, and HVACs. If you’ve seen a copper pipe on the outside of a house or building coming out of the ground, we can almost guarantee you it’s a Type K copper pipe. 

Type K’s can withstand just about anything, including heavy water pressure and even oil distribution. They can last up to 100 years, and you can even find soft K copper pipes!

Its strength and reliability make this type of pipe the most expensive, which is why they’re primarily used for commercial applications or situations where the highest durability is demanded. 


Copper DWV Pipe

And finally, we have the DWV copper pipe. You might mistake a DWV as an M pipe at first, but it is easy to spot it by its yellow markings and, usually, its size. 

DWV stands for Drain-Waste-Vent because that’s exactly what they’re used for. Modern construction prefers to use plastic P.V.C. for draining and vent systems. These are becoming more difficult to find installed in newer homes. We will see them in older homes sometimes, but often as a part of a sewage system that includes cast iron pipes.


How To Fix Any Copper Pipe Leak


Now that you know which pipes are which, let’s talk about how to fix a simple leak. 

As you may have guessed, interior leaks are most likely going to be Type M or L. But before you run off to Home Depot for a replacement line, let’s first take a look at the warning signs and what they mean:

  • Green corrosion: This is known as “patina” and is copper’s version of rust. It’s an oxidation process and could be from water or air chemistry or simply because your pipe is older. 
  • Water: Is the water only leaking from the connection, or is water covering the entire pipe? The former means you may just need to “sweat” the tube (more on that in a sec) or use another form of repair at the connection, and the latter means you need a replacement pipe. 
  • Water stains on the wall/ceiling: Your pipe may just need soldering (i.e., “sweating”) at a connection, but it also may mean the pipe needs replacement. 

When there’s a heavy amount of green corrosion, it may be best to have your copper pipes replaced. However, if you’re simply noticing a small leak, then all you need to do is sweat (or solder) your pipes. There are also push and compression fittings available to make water-tight connections on pipes that don’t involve soldering/sweating and fire.

Here’s a great video on how to do that!


Ready for your Florida home inspection? Contact us for a quote!

Whether you’re a homeowner, a real estate agent, or a fellow home inspector, you need to recognize this one specific method of improper subpanel bonding. It can be dangerous and it’s just something you don’t want to mess around with. 

Here it is: Your ground and neutral wires definitely need to bond (or connect) together. But this is ONLY allowed in the main panel— never a subpanel, or anywhere else in the home.

This is a very common mistake we see in the electrical part of your inspection. Although some “professionals” have made this mistake by failing to remove the bonding screw/strap, it’s usually more a sign of amateur electrical work. 

That’s why today, we’re going to go over how to properly layout your subpanel wiring and what can happen if it’s not fixed right away.


What Are Subpanels?

neutral and ground wiring

Inspectors, you can probably sit this one out. But as a brief overview, your subpanel is one of the electrical boxes at your house (sometimes it’s in the garage). Not all homes have them, as some only have a main panel only. But if you have 2 or more panels, the one with the main “service disconnect” (i.e. shut-off) is the main panel, while any other panels are considered subpanels.

You may have also heard the main panel referred to as a service panel. This is the area where you have complete control over the power within your home.

One flick of a switch, and you can turn out all the lights. 

A subpanel has its own breaker switches, but not the main. These typically control specific rooms or appliances in your home or other buildings on your property.


Hot, Neutral and Ground Wiring— What’s The Difference?

In both of these panel boxes, there are four types of wires: 

  • Two hot wires (black or red casing)
  • One neutral wire (white casing), and  
  • One ground wire (green casing or bare metal wire – usually copper or aluminum) 

The hot wires carry the energy to a fixture (e.g. a wall plug or the stove in your house). For a 120V circuit, it will be just one hot wire. If it’s 240V (e.g. a dryer, water heater, or range/stove), then two (2) hot wires will go to those fixtures.

The neutral wires will then carry the energy (technically known as current/amperage) from those circuits back to the panel. This effectively completes the electric circuit, thus generating power. 

Congratulations, you now understand how electricity works (and with just three wires)!

So what’s the point of the fourth one— the ground wire? 

Ground Wires


This one provides safety. 

Hot and neutral wires are dangerous because they’re constantly running electricity through them. When you have something like frayed wiring cords or loose wire connections, it can cause those wires and their electrical currents to get mixed up. This is what causes short circuits. 

Short circuits can emit sparks and cause fires. This is why we always recommend that you keep your appliances and electrical devices up-to-date. 

However, any potential short circuits are derailed with a ground wire because this sends all those faulty electrical currents right back to the source, or the ground.

This is why you need to separate the ground and neutral. But more on that in a second.

The main point is that the ground wire generally isn’t used at all as part of the normal circuit operation. It’s a backup (also known as a secondary or earth ground) and is only there for safety in case the neutral fails. This way, the electricity doesn’t end up energizing the body of the appliance… or a human body.

In fact, neutral wires are also called grounded conductors because they technically act as a ground as well. Consider them the primary ground. Actually, on older homes (the kind with only 2-prong outlets), there often was no additional ground.

We have come a long way!


Here’s What Improper Subpanel Bonding Looks Like

Your main panel and your subpanel both contain those four sets of wires

So here’s the difference and how you can spot novice electrical work.

Below is the anatomy of the main service panel. Code Check’s image shows how the neutral wire (white) is connected to the bus bar on the right. Further down that bus bar is a screw or strap that “bonds” it to the metal bar that leads to the left side of the panel. And on the left side of the panel, you can see the ground wires (also known as the EGC/GEC’s). This effectively bonds (or connects) the neutral and ground together in the same service enclosure. But remember, this can only happen in the main/service panel – never the subpanel.


In Code Check’s subpanel wiring diagram, you can see that those neutral wires are not bonded. This means that the neutral wires are not connected to the ground wires. They both have their own individual paths in the subpanel.


Why do you separate the ground and neutral in a subpanel?

So, why do you separate the ground and neutral in a subpanel? Because when we bond them together, it gives your neutral wire (the one carrying electrical currents BACK to the source) multiple pathways. 

That’s how the chassis of some equipment will become energized. The effect can be as seemingly harmless as “I touched the fridge, and it shocked me!” To far more serious matters. 

The most common issues that come from not separating ground and neutral wires in a subpanel are:

  1. Shock
  2. Corrosion
  3. Fire


As we mentioned before, ground wires help prevent short circuits, therefore preventing things like getting a shock and house fires.

A short circuit usually happens when there are loose or frayed wires. But when there are numerous electrical faults or massive amounts of electricity coursing through these bad wires, adding a third wire to the same pathway— the ground wire— creates more risk to these events. 

Thus, the ground wire needs to have a limitless path (free of the neutral wire’s electrical currents) so that it can safely prevent short circuits.

Corrosion can happen because of improper subpanel bonding as well. This is because the excessive electrical currents (coming from the hot, neutral, and ground wires) can accelerate the rate at which metal pipes or buildings start to erode.

Check out this video for a visual!



How To Separate Neutral and Ground in Subpanel

This is work for a qualified electrician. It’s often a simple repair, but needs to be left to the professionals.

The difference may be as simple as having a green screw or bonding strap connected in your service panel – and not having it connected in the subpanel. Sometimes we will see neutrals and ground wires terminated on the same bus bar in the subpanels as well, often when a novice adds additional circuits (such as in the garage). This is effectively bonding the ground and neutrals together. You can do this in the main panel, but never should do it in a subpanel.

Yep, separating your ground wire from the neutrals in your subpanel can be as simple as that. However, we always recommend having an experienced electrician take a look.



Want us to inspect your subpanel bonding? Contact us for a quote!

I think we can all agree that real estate prices just about everywhere are feeling a little, well, insane.

This is just one area where economy inflation is rearing its head – gas, groceries, and many other everyday items are creeping higher.

As we emerge from the pandemic there are a few big-ticket items that you might want to re-consider as supply and demand settle down.

According to US Census data from 2019 and 2020, Polk County is one of the fastest growing metro areas in the entire country.

The New York Times broke down data from the Census and found that Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL was tied for the 2nd fastest growing metro with Boise, Idaho. No surprise that Austin, TX took the top spot.

There are plenty of different types of sod for Florida homes, but that hurts more than it helps, doesn’t it? 

Contrary to popular belief, Central Florida landscapes can be challenging to maintain— especially if you don’t choose suitable materials. With the illustrious sunshine and ample rainfall, your front yard can end up looking like a swamp if you’re not careful!

That’s why you need to be up-to-date with Florida’s (er—irregular) weather patterns if you want to know how to select and take care of your grass. You’ll also need to consider which types of grass have shade/drought tolerances, their chemical needs, among other Florida-friendly landscaping nuances. 

So let’s dive into the different types of sod grass so that you can determine which one is your best bet for your new backyard. 


6 Types of Sod Grass For Florida Homeowners

Determining which sod is best for your Florida lawns starts with understanding Florida weather. 

We know… it’s not as easy as it sounds!

In Florida, grass growth tends to slow down around January when we get that “Florida winter” (e.g., the weather drops down to about 50 degrees— chilling!). 

Naturally, the rate that your sod grass grows also depends on your location in Florida. For example, coastal towns have to take salt content and hurricanes into consideration. And South Floridians have much more temperate and consistent weather conditions compared to North Florida homeowners. 

That’s why, on average, the best time to plant new grass is late Spring or early Fall. This is when there’s a decent amount of rain and sunshine. But not too much to where your lawn maintenance becomes a challenge.

Knowing these simple factors will better equip you to decide which of the following 6 types of sod grass is the best fit for your Florida landscape.


1. St. Augustine


If you ask anyone what the best grass to grow in Florida is, this one is probably the first answer you’ll get. 

You have your pick of the crop when it comes to St Augustine grass. From Floratam to Seville, each of these St. Augustine variations come with their advantages. Bitter Blue is cold-tolerant, while Seville has excellent salt and drought tolerance. 

Floratam is the only St. Augustine that doesn’t thrive in the shade, which is why it’s a top choice for Florida homeowners. Sapphire, Palmetto, and CitraBlue are also great options. However, CitraBlue might be preferable to Palmetto because it requires less fertilizer.

Pros: Tons of options, thrives in Florida’s climate, dense, great for suburban areas

Cons: high maintenance (weekly mowing), high turnover needs


  • Seville
  • Floratam
  • Sapphire
  • Palmetto
  • CitraBlue


2. Zoysia Grass 


Then there’s Zoysia, which is actually labeled on the “higher-end” when it comes to grass. 

This type of sod is excellent for Florida homes because it works just about anywhere. It’s shade resistant and puts up a fight against weeds— hence why you don’t need to worry so much about herbicides. 

However, Zoysia grass is a double-edged sword. On the one end, it’s exceptionally wear-resistant, which is terrific for homeowners with kids and/or pets. On the other end, this means that any damage it does acquire takes a long time to grow back. 

It also tends to track in some pests, which means you’ll have to use pesticides regularly. 

Pros: weed-resistant, shade tolerant, wear-resistant, less mowing required, fancy-looking

Cons: low cold tolerance, pest-attractor, requires chemical maintenance 


– Palisades

– Empire



3. Bermuda Grass


You’ll see this lush green carpet all over Central Florida, especially if you’re a golfer. Besides being wear-resistant, there’s also its high drought tolerance and strong root system. This makes Bermuda grass the prime choice for golf courses, football fields, and yes, even Central Florida lawns. 

But that’s where the good news ends. This type of sod in Florida is difficult to maintain. It grows fast. We’re talking mowing twice a week fast. You’ll also need to irrigate and fertilize it frequently. 

Pros: high traffic tolerance, drought-tolerant, deep roots, dense, thrives in warm climates

Cons: overgrows, high maintenance (pesticides, insecticides, herbicides)


  • Improved Bermudagrass such as Celebration Bermudagrass or Tifway 419 Bermudagrass
  • Common Bermuda grass 



4. Bahia Grass


More than likely, the grass you’re seeing on your neighbors’ lawn is Bahia. It requires the least amount of upkeep, meaning Florida’s hot and humid weather is its ideal climate. All it needs is some dry soil, lots of sunshine, and a little rain here and there. 

Sounds perfect, right? Here’s the catch:

Bahia wilts in the shade, disintegrates in any type of cold weather, and requires weekly mowing. It’s pretty prone to sprouting weeds. 

But ultimately, Bahia is the most Florida-friendly grass type.

Pros: easy to maintain, little irrigation needed, drought-resistant

Cons: turns yellow in colder weather, needs weekly maintenance 


  •  Pensacola Bahiagrass
  • Argentine Bahiagrasas


5. Centipede Grass


According to The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS),  “It [Centipede] is well adapted to the climate and soils of Central and Northern Florida and is the most common home lawn grass in the Florida Panhandle.”

This type of sod is probably the least high-matienence for Central Florida homeowners. It remains relatively undisturbed in warm and colder climates, and it grows pretty slow. You’ll probably only need to mow every 7–14 days.

If it sounds too good to be true, that’s because Centipede grass has some disadvantages. It tends to yellow, and it doesn’t do well in high-traffic areas or salty environments.

Pros: slow growth, low fertilizing requirements, thrives in hot and cold climates

Cons: turns yellow, short roots, poor wear and salt tolerance


  • Oaklawn
  • Common
  • Tennturf
  • Tifblair

6. Xeriscaping


This one is pretty interesting because it negates the idea of having a lawn altogether. This landscaping is minimalist and encourages homeowners to style their yard with native plants, much, and rocks. Unbeknownst to many people, the idea of lawns is actually not in the best interest of the planet and the environment. There is a push in some circles to ban them outright.

The appeal to this type of lawn is that it doesn’t need irrigation, is drought-tolerance, and conserves water. However, people see luscious properties and curbside appeal as modern luxurious, so this idea has been met with skepticism.

Pros: low maintenance, water-conserving, drought tolerance, no irrigation needs, promotes biodiversity

Cons: requires some knowledge on plants, not functional for sports or play, may be costly, not as pretty (may turn away buyers)

What’s the Best Grass To Grow in Central Florida?

Considering all these types of sod for Florida weather, you’re probably still wondering which one is the best sod for Florida lawns.

Let’s go over what you want from your grass. We’re guessing you want:

  • Low maintenance
  • Drought tolerant
  • Thrives in a warm climate

With all the pros and cons we listed, it’s safe to say that really any of these will work for your Florida lawn. However, if you want what’s popular, what looks the best, and checks those three boxes above, then St. Augustine and Bahiagrass should be your top contenders.


Ready for your Florida home inspection? Contact us for a quote!

If you want to make sure you’re paying a fair price for your investment, a home inspection is a must. The point of this in-depth home analysis is to make sure all the plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and structural aspects of your new home are in working order. If they’re not, you may have some room to negotiate your offer price, or move on to another prospective property. 

But how long does a home inspection take, and when can you expect to get the results of the report? 


How Long Does a Home Inspection Take?


Since most buyers want to be present during the inspection, it’s natural to want to know how long the process takes. On average, you should expect the home inspection to take 2-2.5 hours. 

With the market the way it is right now, many buyers are opting out of a home inspection. This could turn out to be a huge mistake because you may end up eating the costs of much-needed home repairs. 

That’s why we recommend not only getting a cost-effective home inspection but also encourage you to be present so that you can ask any questions. At this time, if you choose not to come due to safety measures, you can expect the home inspection report within 24-48 hours.

We also understand how stressful a home purchase is, so if you choose to be present, know that we have your safety in mind. We require practicing social distancing and properly worn masks at all times. We’ll even have hand sanitizer handy!

Now, there are many opinions out there about how long a home inspection should take. Some say 3-4 hours, but most won’t be that long. But we have had some that have taken all day! A few factors will slow down in inspection, so keep these in mind while you’re touring the house for the first time. 



Things That Will Slow Down a Home Inspection


What can make a home inspection go from a few hours to an all-day endeavor? Well, the process is primarily based on four things: size, age, and the condition of the home play a big role. Excessive clutter and personal items in the way matter, too!


So, a small condo can be as quick as an hour, while a large home can take 4-6 hours… or even more! The average size house (3BR/2BA) takes about 2-3 hours. 

Also, keep in mind that the pool/spa, wind mitigationthermal imaging, and irrigation inspections can add to the time frame in which we complete the examination. 


With great age comes great responsibility. So we do our due diligence! Older homes tend to have more issues, so we make sure to work through the house, keeping a keen eye out for things like plumbing, electrical, roof, and mechanical discrepancies.


If there are currently residents occupying the home, that can really slow down how long it takes. We’ve had some homes so bloated with “stuff” that it took a while just because it was tough to navigate. 

Keep in mind that home inspectors don’t move personal items, which is why a cluttered home can make the job take twice as long. 

Type of Inspection

This article is primarily about the general home inspection. However, additional inspections requested may add to the time the visit takes.

Home insurance companies require a four-point inspection for older homes 30+ years old. A four-point inspection is limited to only a few systems, so it takes about 30-45 minutes. You will also likely have a wind mitigation inspection performed, which could result in discounts on your insurance. This inspection also takes additional steps and time to perform.

A general home inspection requires many more systems and components to be inspected. This type of inspection requires at least twice as long. When the other insurance inspections are bundled with this, it can add at least an hour.

Don’t make the mistake of skipping out on a full inspection to save time and money, though. These insurance inspections are not a substitute for a complete general home inspection. A thorough report of the condition of your prospective home can be the difference of thousands of dollars less by the time you sit at the closing table. 



What a Home Inspection Includes


The inspection time period occurs after your offer is accepted. You should have had a clause in your sales contract that says the final purchase is contingent on the findings of a professional home inspection. And while no property can technically “fail” an assessment, if your inspector identifies structural and/or major system flaws (especially anything safety-related), you’ll have more information to either negotiate a more favorable price, or even walk-away. 

The seller and the buyer will come up with a mutually agreed-upon time to get this inspection done. Then, the buyer schedules the inspection, and we come out and do what we do best! The default time frame to get an inspection completed is 15-days per the contract. However, especially in a competitive market, your contract may have a shorter time allotted, so be sure to know exactly how long you have. And don’t wait to the last minute to schedule. We can often do an inspection as soon as the next day, but in busy times the schedules can fill up quickly! 

Here is our complete home inspection checklist. Once the inspection starts, you will know the state of everything from the home’s roof to the plumbing after just a few hours!


Ready for your Florida home inspection? Contact us for a quote!


So, you’re thinking about buying a Florida home. Most articles you’ll find on this topic are going to walk you through the process of finding an agent, looking into neighborhoods, and getting pre-qualified.

But before you do any of that, you need to think about the type of Florida home you want to buy (and your budget). 

Taking care of a Florida house isn’t even close to how you’ve maintained your house through the seasons in your northern home. And that’s mostly because we don’t really have traditional seasons here in Florida. 

Instead, you need to consider what the upkeep costs might be, insurance, and what you can negotiate in terms of closing costs. And, of course, location is everything when you’re buying a home in Florida.



Before Buying a Florida Home: Understand Our Weather

when is florida hurricane season

To be fair, we don’t even understand our weather sometimes. Just expect to have a nice cool breeze from October to May with a couple of weekends of cold fronts somewhere in between. Then from May-September, brace yourself for an almost unbearable heat— and some rain. 

Now, that heat and rain will be the primary factors you should consider when picking out your new home. It’s important to note that you’ll use your AC a lot more during the summer months, and pests can get out of hand when there’s a lot of downpours. Ah downpours, often these show up like clockwork. In fact, we have our own unofficial monsoon season (we just call it the rainy season), and it has recently been calculated to officially begin on May 25th.

Speaking of downpours, let’s talk about hurricanes. Hurricanes don’t hit us as often as people think. But when they do, it’s hard to predict how your home will weather the storm. That’s why factors such as windows, roofs, and event the type of build are going to play a pivotal role in choosing a house. 

This fickle weather means that you should make sure that the Florida house you’re looking into has its interior and exterior basis covered. 



What To Expect For The Interior of Your Florida Home

Let’s pretend you’re touring the first of many potential Florida homes. What should you ask your agent or Realtor®, and what should you keep an eye out for?

Here are some things to factor into your decision-making before purchasing a house in Florida.

1. AC


If the house is older, ask when the last time the AC was replaced or inspected. Older homes are inherently less efficient, and older AC systems may have a harder time keeping up with the Florida heat. 

Trust us, when buying a house here, an excellent AC system should be at the top of your list (if you want to survive the summer, anyway ;D).

2. Pests


Keep an eye out for common Florida pests. We’re talking ants, spiders, fleas, ticks, termites and roaches, just to name a few. 

Ants, in particular, can cause issues, especially during the rainy season. Ants called “crazy ants” are attracted to electrical currents, like the ones in your air conditioning unit. When one too many of these ants find their way into your warm, cozy AC unit, it can cause your wires to short circuit. And nobody needs that kind of stress during the summer months.

Crazy ants are common in Florida, so look over the AC to see if there’s a colony of ants swarming nearby. If so, remember to keep in mind that you may have to hire pest control after buying your Florida home. 

Termites are also a constant threat. Make sure you arrange for a Wood Destroying Organism (WDO) inspection when arranging your inspections for buying a home here. That’s a different inspection than the home inspection itself,  so the home inspector likely will not inspect for this, but it’s important not to overlook this one. Make sure to arrange a WDO inspection. Your home inspector or agent may even be able to suggest a company and arrange them for you.

Above all, it’s important to remember that although we love living here, we’re absolutely on their turf. Regular professional pest control services are a necessity you should budget for when living in Florida.



What To Expect For The Exterior of Your Florida Home

We do things differently here in Florida, and construction is no different. We have a unique, sometimes brutal climate and weather. So the way we build our houses reflects those conditions. 

Here are three more things to think about when you’re buying a house in Florida:

3. CMU Walls

buying a home in florida

CMU stands for Concrete Masonry Unit’s. In simpler terms, it’s Concrete Block Construction. You’ll find that we build most modern Central and South Florida homes with concrete blocks walls because of the threat of hurricane impacts. Naturally, cement blocks are going to hold up against impacts in 120+ mph winds better than wooden structures. However, a good wood frame structure still has it’s merit and has more strength than you might believe if it’s engineered correctly. 

You won’t find many wood-framing homes except in the north part of the state or older homes. However, some houses in Florida combine CMUs with wood construction. Generally, concrete blocks make up the first floor, and the second story will have wood framing.


4. Stucco


When you’re buying a home in Florida, there is one aspect that sticks out more than others:

STUCCO! Lots of stucco!

Stucco is a cement-based siding that is prevalent in across Florida homes. You’ll recognize it from the hard, textured exterior façade that most homes here have.

The problem with stucco is that, like all cement products, it is porous. If it’s not properly maintained, water can seep into the stucco and lead to issues such as mold, termites, or structural damage. Keep these things in mind when you look into buying a Florida home. The best maintenance for stucco is well maintained exterior painting. Which leads us to the final topic.



5. Painting


And with stucco, you also have to consider the painting of your home. Paint is the main water defense in block/stucco walls homes. 

Because it rains plenty in Florida, you’ll need to paint your home’s exterior more often. If you rub your hand on a stucco wall and it is “chalky,” it’s time to paint! You should expect to paint the exterior of the home every 5-6 years or so. If you see hairline cracks in your stucco, know that this is common and not necessarily an indication of a scary problem. In fact, some cracks are to be expected. What is critical is that they are patched and painted, to prevent moisture intrusion. This is a big part of proper home maintenance in Florida. 


Ready for your Florida home inspection? Contact us for a quote!

What is GFCI protection, and why do homeowners need to know about it?

You’ll often know if your outlets have this protection from a simple glance. Nowadays, these features are commonplace, so you may not have given them a second thought. These outlets will usually have a “GFCI protected” sticker on them, or will have the Test and Reset button placed in between the outlet sockets. 

Look around your house right now. Do you notice any? How about outlets that don’t have this feature? If your outlets don’t have the buttons, that doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have the protection.

Only the first outlet in the circuit needs it, and then all other outlets downstream will also be protected. Plus in some instances, a GFCI breaker may be installed in the panel, in lieu of being at the outlet. 

GFCI protection has only been around a few decades, so if you live in an older home, you may find that most of your outlets don’t have these square buttons where we would expect them today. This poses a dangerous risk (which we’ll tell you about in just a sec), and you should consider an electrical upgrade as soon as possible. 

Even if you do have updated outlets, it’s not uncommon for these protections to become faulty. This is why you should be testing them in your home every month. 

But don’t scroll down just yet. If you need to know how to test a GFCI outlet, then it’s very important to understand what it is, why you need it, and yes— how it works.



What is GFCI Protection  

gfci protection cost

GFCI stands for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters. In simple terms, this is just fancy electrical protection that prevents you from being shocked. That’s why NEC (National Electrical Code) requires GFCI protection for every room at a home that is close to a water source. 

As of 2021, many spaces now require GFCI protection. Back in 1971, only swimming pools and the exterior required GFCI protection. Bathrooms were added in 1975, and then garages in 1978. Hot tubs/spas were added to the list in 1981.

Later in 1987 kitchens, unfinished basements, spa bathtubs and boathouses were added. It used to be that only outlets within 6-feet of the kitchen sink needed GFCI protection, but that was later expanded to include outlets serving all countertop surfaces.

Outlets under the kitchen sink generally still do not need GFCI protection, however.

1990 saw the addition of crawlspaces and in 1993, wet bars were added. Things remain unchanged until 2005 when laundry outlets were added to the requirement.

Today, nearly all outlets near swimming pool areas, the exterior, kitchens, crawl spaces, garages, boathouses, basements, and laundry areas should be equipped with this protection.

Essentially, a ground fault circuit interrupters must be used for all of the following except:

  • Fixed electric snow melting equipment
  • Receptacles that are not readily accessible (such as under the kitchen sink, although we still recommend it).
  • Some Receptacles tied to an outdoor dedicated branch circuit (e.g., a sump pump)

The NEC updates their requirements every three years. The electrical section of the Florida Building Code (FBC) is based on the NEC, so be mindful of that if you’re a homeowner.

Also, keep in mind that your local building department may have additional requirements. We always recommend checking with your local building department for the most current and accurate code information.

What Does It Do?

Have you ever been afraid of getting shocked while plugging in a hairdryer or maybe a toaster? GFCI protection directly addresses these concerns. 

Pretty much what it can do is sense a change in electrical currents that prompts the outlet to switch off immediately. Maybe you have you’re reading your Kindle in the bathtub, but you have it charging in a nearby outlet. To save you from potentially shocking yourself should you drop it in the water, the GFCI will turn itself off in about 20-30 milliseconds. 

125-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-amp receptacles

What’s the Difference Between GFCI vs. GFI

Absolutely nothing. We sometimes use GFCI and GFI (ground fault interrupters) interchangeably, but they are the same device. 


Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCI’s) are even more modern than GFCI. They came into homes around 1999, and they look similar to GFCIs, with the same test and reset buttons. 

The main difference between these two is that GFCI’s protect you from an electrical shock, whereas AFCI protects your house from potential fires caused by arcing & sparking. 

GFCI’s keep control of ground faults while AFCI interrupts “arcing faults” that usually come from bad wiring.

Ground faults can cause bodily harm, whereas bad wiring (such as arc faults) are responsible for starting more than 28,000 home fires, according to The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI).



How To Install a GFCI Outlet 


Can you install a GFCI outlet on your own? Most of the time— yes. If any of these outlets stop working in your home, it’s crucial to replace them right away.

Especially if the faulty outlet is in a wet location such as a bathroom or kitchen. But if you have any doubts or discomfort working with electricity, an electrician really should perform this work.


Here’s a quick breakdown of how to install a GFCI outlet:

Step 1: Turn off the circuit breaker. 

Step 2: Remove the outlet cover and the switch with a screwdriver (Pro-Tip: test the outlet with an electrical outlet testing tool to make sure it is completely off and no currents are flowing through the wires)

Step 3: Disconnect the “hot wire” with (right side, black wire, brass screw)

Step 4: Disconnect the neutral wire (left side, white wire, silver screw)

Step 5: Disconnect the grounding wire (green or tan insulation and screw) 

Step 6: Replace the outlet with GFCI, making sure to follow the instructions on the package and use the appropriate screws for each wire.

If you have fewer than 2 wires or more than 3 in your old outlet, call an electrician as these outlets will require a few extra steps. 



GFCI Protection Cost

Ground-fault circuit interrupters

A standard GFCI outlet costs anywhere from $15 to $50 at your local hardware store. You’ll need to know the amp and voltage of each outlet you are replacing before going the DIY route.

Ground-fault circuit interrupters absolutely need to be installed by an electrician when there is anything more or less than three wires. We also don’t recommend installing these yourself if you have little home improvement experience (there’s still the risk of being shocked, after all!).

If you hire an electrician for your GFCI protection, the average cost to replace a single outlet with a licensed professional is about $120 per receptacle. 



How To Test GFCI Outlet

GFCI protection outlet

You should be testing your GFCI protection outlet every single month. 

Here’s how it’s done:

Step 1: Plug a lamp, phone charger, or some other small electrical device into your outlet

Step 2: Press the “Test” button. If you hear a clicking sound, this indicates the circuit has tripped, and the lamp or phone should turn off.  

Step 3: Press the “Reset” button (it should have popped out when you hit “Test”). If the lamp or phone turns back on, then your GFCI protector is working just fine! If not, try these next steps:




What To Do When Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Won’t Reset

If your GFCI button won’t push in, the solution may be as simple as pushing it harder to reach the unit. If still it doesn’t reset, there may be another GFCI on the same circuit keeping you from being able to reset it.

More than one on a circuit can sometimes be finicky. So go ahead and trip that second one, and then try to reset the first one.

Lastly, head to the service panel to see if you need to reset the circuit breaker. If all else fails, you probably either have a faulty GFCI or even a true ground-fault condition. In this case, further repairs are needed so you should call a qualified electrician.


Need a home inspection? Contact us for a quote!